Teen Nabbed for Acid Attacks
News, Sunshine Coast December 4, 2021, Comments OffAccording to the lawyer, the attack involved a corrosive substance and was thrown in to people’s faces. All victims were hurriedly rushed to the hospital for medication. The male teenager has been arrested by the British police after inflicting horrible injuries including facial burns to one of its victims. He instigated five acid attacks in only 90 minutes which caused atrocity across east London.
The teenager has been nabbed on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and robbery. Two attackers first victimized a 32-year old man in the Hackney area of east London who was riding a moped at around 10:25 pm and threw acid on his face. After the assault, the other attacker took the old man’s moped and went off.
Half an hour later, the assailants were in Shorditch High Street. At this time, another man was attacked and was thrown acid to the face.
The third incident occurred just 20 minutes after at Cazenove Rd, Stoke Newington where acid was thrown while robbery was committed.
The police described the injuries this time as “severe and life-changing”.
The fourth attack happened while one victim was stalling in traffic at Chatsworth Rd, Clapton. The victim was also riding a moped when it happened and was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.
In a statement the police said “Inquiries are ongoing and officers from Hackney are currently trying to trace the suspects concerned Inquiries are ongoing and officers from Hackney are currently trying to trace the suspects concerned”.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said that while still relatively rare, officers were concerned by the increase in attacks.
“I don’t want people to think that this is happening all over London all of the time — it’s really not, but we are concerned because the numbers appear to be going up,” Ms. Dick told LBC radio.
“Acid attacks are completely barbaric,” she stated.
“The acid can cause horrendous injuries. The ones last night involved a series of robberies we believe are linked.”
The number of acid attacks rose from 261 in 2015 to 454 in 2016, according to the police. The report revealed that these attacks were related to robbery and gang activity.
It was recorded by the police that London has experienced a series of acid attacks in recent months.
There were also two Aussie sisters who were seriously burnt in April after an acid was hurled in nearby Dalston. Isobella Fraser, 22, was vacationing in the British capital with her sister Prue,20, when they both experienced ‘painful’ burns, although their faces were not touched. More than 10 other clubbers were also victims during that incident. Last June, a lady was celebrating her 21st birthday when a man threw acid on her face. Resham Khan suffered severe burns to her face. Her cousin Jameel Muhktar was hospitalised in a coma.
The spate in acid attacks has urged lawmakers to push for restrictions on the sale and carrying of corrosive liquids like which of sulfuric acid.