Sunshine Coast Daily Death and Funeral Notices
Sunshine Coast December 3, 2022, Comments Off
Whether you are a Sunshine Coast local or a visitor, you will probably need to see the Sunshine Coast Daily death and funeral notices. They are published each day and give you a complete picture of what is happening in the area. Some of the recent deaths and funerals in the area include those of Lance Currimundi, Milan Smeral and Feebie McIntosh.
Adrian’s funeral
Earlier this month, Adrian Lopez, Sr., a White Mountain Apache police officer was shot and killed in Whiteriver, Arizona. It was Arizona’s first line of duty death this year. He was conducting a traffic stop on East Fork Road in Whiteriver when he was shot. His funeral was held at the Chief Alchesay Activity Center. Those wishing to attend the service can find information online at the Avenal Park website. You can also livestream the service.
Adrian passed away on Tuesday, November 29. He is survived by his wife Joy and son Andrew. He was 80 years old. Previously, he lived in Nuriootpa, SA. He was a member of the Nuriootpa Police Department and the White Mountain Apache Police Department. He also served in the United States Army.
COVID 19 pandemic
Across the Sunshine Coast daily death and funeral notices are flooding in of victims of the COVID 19 pandemic. This epidemic is a cousin of the SARS virus and has been deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The number of deaths is expected to rise to 15,000 by the end of the year, according to the Queensland government. The Queensland government has updated its state with the novel coronavirus.
The Sunshine Coast funeral director Wayne Bright has been overwhelmed with grief as the pandemic hits his area. He has lost two relatives to the epidemic. One of his relatives died two weeks after his sister did.
The family of the deceased man said that Nur was kind, caring and helpful. His wife said he was a hero and a good person. She also said that he was a loving husband.